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What prompted you to run for Senate seat 26?
I think the biggest thing that motivated me to run for Idaho Senate in District 26 was the revelation that the conservative heart is becoming nonexistent in Idaho. I have two teenagers
that work at our capital as volunteers in the legislature and they both come home and talk to me about what’s ‘actually’ happening in our state government. It has really opened my eyes to the fact that we don’t have a conservative voice in our legislature. And so, I decided to run for office.
We must get involved and take a stand if we want things to change… “IT LOOKS LIKE SOMETHING”! In Idaho we’re supposed to be a red state. We’re supposed to be a conservative state. But quite frankly our legislature looks more like progressivism — if that’s even a word. As for me and my family, it’s time to fight for the freedoms we love, the people we love, and the Idaho we love. As a culture we have strayed from being family-focused, we have blatantly disrespected the sanctity of life, and we have egregiously departed from being a God-fearing people. We desperately need leaders in Idaho who are willing, able, and ready to go to war for the Truth!
Another big motivator is that too many ‘conservatives’ in our state legislature are saying they’re conservative, but their voting records are proving that they’re progressive. It’s time to share the education needed about this atrocity so voters can make an informed decision on election day. It’s time for us all to discern between the truth and the lies! As a family we are running an education campaign, which means that my constituents will have an opportunity to hear the truth about what is ‘actually’ going on in our state.
Why should people vote for you?
I believe I am worthy of the peoples’ vote for a few simple reasons. ‘We The People’ are worn out and tired of the political game. The word “politician” is considered a cuss word in our
family. We understand that politicians only care about the next election but a patriot cares about the next generation. As a Senator I will not play the game! I believe it’s time for a change
in the system; a change that makes room for real, honest, hardworking, mothers and fathers to lead our state. Believe it or not, it’s time to drain the swamp- even in Idaho!
Vote for me because I am ready to fight for what is right. I am a hard-working Idaho girl — born and raised in this great state. Most importantly I am a Jesus-loving, conservative mother and I will lay down my life for the next generation. We need to take a stand NOW for what’s coming down the pike for the future generations. Moms are supposed to teach right versus wrong, and in the family dynamic today we have strayed very far from morality. I’ll work to defeat immoral ideals, like woke ideology. If elected I will absolutely use my voice and our vote to put to death all immoral ideology.
I am for the next generation, which means I am anti- abortion, without any exceptions. I am anti-transgender. Allowing our kids to be manipulated on every level by an agenda from the government is an absolute no for me. As a mother, I have a burning passion to see the next generation set free. It’s up to us, on our watch, to take a stand. I will personally promote safety, health and a secure future for our children, our families,
and for the generations to come.
As your voice in this great state, I will defend our God given/constitutional freedoms, especially, the 1st and 2nd amendments that are being wiped out at a local, state, and national levels. I will fervently fight for freedom from tyrannical government! In Idaho, we have been under a constant assault of lies regarding issues on wind/energy projects, water and dam
projects, transportation projects, agriculture projects, and even education projects. Well, it’s time for the hidden things to be exposed! It’s time to realize that discernment is needed now to
sort through the lies. Just because our leaders say they are conservative doesn’t mean that they are!
We believe here in Idaho that we’re a conservative state. However, our leadership, including our governor, is not on the side of conservativism even though he says he is. His agenda pushes globalism that will create a tyrannical/communist system in Idaho. Also, our legislature claims to have a majority of conservatives leading us but looking over their voting records it is obvious that our very own legislature is filled with a bunch of Republicans-In-Name- Only (RINOs). This is another reason why we should vote for ‘actual’ conservatives on vote day, November 5th, 2024.
Why are you running as an Independent?
As an Independent candidate in Idaho, running a political race looks a little different because voters are attuned to focusing on the Republican and Democrat tickets. I chose to register nonpartisan because I feel like it’s time for the people to focus on the policy that the person carries and not the policy that the platform carries. So, as an Independent I am taking a stand for ‘actual’ conservative policy.
In November, voters in my district will see on their ballot a three-way race for the Senate. I’m running against Republican-In-Name-Only (RINO) Laurie Lickley and Democrat Ron Taylor. Laurie Lickley is a Republican who claims to be a conservative but remember, just because someone says they’re conservative doesn’t mean they’re conservative. For example, Lickley states she’s a conservative Republican, yet she voted for mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and she was against eliminating the grocery tax and against decreasing the gas tax. That is not the heart of a conservative, whatsoever. Laurie Lickley is going to vote like Democrat Ron Taylor, period, end of story. It’s time for the people to think about voting for an Independent so we can get a real conservative voice into office in District 26.
Vote Kala Tate for Idaho
Phone: 208-420-5887
Email: kalatate4idaho@gmail.com
Website: kalatate4idaho.com
Instagram: kala_tate_
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